Physical and Health Education 2015 - 2016
Healthy Living Projects in Progress!
Please note that 'Health and Career,' has now been changed to being included under Physical Education (a per our new curriculum).
For this and next term, our students are working in groups to create their own projects on 'Healthy Living.' We have various projects in the works from healthy eating and anti-bullying, to drugs and alcohol awareness as well as internet safety. The students have chosen their own formats (multifaceted) to present their projects and are writing their own objectives and outcomes for their projects. At the moment, many students are half way through their projects, so stay tuned!
Tennis Term 2
Floor Hockey Term Two
Gymnastics Term One
Health and Career Planning 2014-15
As our final unit this year, we are expanding our initial studies and understanding of cyber bullying. The students have been learning about: types of cyber bullying, 'messages behind words,' cyber threats, 'Flamers and Hackers,' cyber predators, communication skills, how to avoid conflict, the impact of cyber-bullying on teens, and the 'twelve rules of cyber-safety.' Our studies to date have definitely elicited some thought provoking and memorable classroom discussions!
Healthy Living Surveys
As part of our Healthy Living Unit, we studied about what factors affect a healthy lifestyle, the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, and the benefits of a healthy diet. In order to answer these questions, we looked at the content of food (fats, carbohydrates, proteins, grains, sodium, vitamins, minerals, preservatives etc.), serving sizes, caloric values, and digestion. In addition, we studied and learnt about 'hidden sugars' in drinks, sugar substitutes, the water content of food and daily intake of water, as well as sleep patterns and depravation. As a culminating activity, the students created healthy living surveys:
A Few Kayaking Pictures
Track and Field Meet
Healthy Living Projects in Progress!
Please note that 'Health and Career,' has now been changed to being included under Physical Education (a per our new curriculum).
For this and next term, our students are working in groups to create their own projects on 'Healthy Living.' We have various projects in the works from healthy eating and anti-bullying, to drugs and alcohol awareness as well as internet safety. The students have chosen their own formats (multifaceted) to present their projects and are writing their own objectives and outcomes for their projects. At the moment, many students are half way through their projects, so stay tuned!
Tennis Term 2
Floor Hockey Term Two
Skating December 2015
Gymnastics Term One
Health and Career Planning 2014-15
As our final unit this year, we are expanding our initial studies and understanding of cyber bullying. The students have been learning about: types of cyber bullying, 'messages behind words,' cyber threats, 'Flamers and Hackers,' cyber predators, communication skills, how to avoid conflict, the impact of cyber-bullying on teens, and the 'twelve rules of cyber-safety.' Our studies to date have definitely elicited some thought provoking and memorable classroom discussions!
Healthy Living Surveys
As part of our Healthy Living Unit, we studied about what factors affect a healthy lifestyle, the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, and the benefits of a healthy diet. In order to answer these questions, we looked at the content of food (fats, carbohydrates, proteins, grains, sodium, vitamins, minerals, preservatives etc.), serving sizes, caloric values, and digestion. In addition, we studied and learnt about 'hidden sugars' in drinks, sugar substitutes, the water content of food and daily intake of water, as well as sleep patterns and depravation. As a culminating activity, the students created healthy living surveys:
HUB - Ride the Road Cycling Safety Program
Student Council Cookie Sale
Healthy Living Unit
Learning About Gambling and How Addictive it Can Be!
2013-2014 School Year
Term Three
The students are in the midst of creating their anti-bullying/substance abuse/prevention video advertisements; which are so realistic that one of our other teachers (who didn't see the video) raced to "save" one of our students/actors! :) Thanks!
Term Two
As well as continuing with term one topics; as stated below, the students will be splitting into groups to create videos on substance misuse, prevention and healthy alternatives.
More information to follow - once we get started! :)
Term One and Ongoing
During term one (and ongoing), the students started looking into, and studying, the impacts of bullying, cyberbullying and online safety initially using two iPad apps: Professor Garfield Cyberbullying and Professor Garfield Online Safety (for fun - to ‘hook’ the students). As the students made their way through the activities on the apps, they simultaneously completed fact, reflection and connection sheets that I created for them. Afterwards, they went on to look at some ‘real life scenarios,’ where they had to utilize the skills that they had learnt to deal with the ‘bullying situations’ they were faced with (printed materials). We will be continuing to look at these 'subjects' for the rest of the year, due to the ongoing nature of them, and study a few more topics as well during term two and three.
The students are in the midst of creating their anti-bullying/substance abuse/prevention video advertisements; which are so realistic that one of our other teachers (who didn't see the video) raced to "save" one of our students/actors! :) Thanks!
Term Two
As well as continuing with term one topics; as stated below, the students will be splitting into groups to create videos on substance misuse, prevention and healthy alternatives.
More information to follow - once we get started! :)
Pink Shirt Day (Anti-Bullying Day) - February 26th 2014
Congratulations to 'Miku' for 'winning' our school's Pink T-Shirt Design Competition
During term one (and ongoing), the students started looking into, and studying, the impacts of bullying, cyberbullying and online safety initially using two iPad apps: Professor Garfield Cyberbullying and Professor Garfield Online Safety (for fun - to ‘hook’ the students). As the students made their way through the activities on the apps, they simultaneously completed fact, reflection and connection sheets that I created for them. Afterwards, they went on to look at some ‘real life scenarios,’ where they had to utilize the skills that they had learnt to deal with the ‘bullying situations’ they were faced with (printed materials). We will be continuing to look at these 'subjects' for the rest of the year, due to the ongoing nature of them, and study a few more topics as well during term two and three.
Some Quick Information From Our Studies:
Professor Garfield Cyberbullying App - is essentially a Garfield comic strip that helps students identify bullying behavior and provide strategies for dealing with bullies (such as how important it is to seek the support of a trusted adult)
Professor Garfield Online Safety - students gain insight to safe surfing and understand that people online are not always who they say they are etc.
Types of Cyberbullying
Harassment - Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages.
Denigration - Distributing information about someone else that is derogatory and untrue by posting it on a webpage, sending it through email or instant messaging, or posting or sending digitally altered photos of someone.
Flaming - Online fighting using electronic messages with angry, vulgar language.
Impersonation - Breaking into an email or social networking account and using that person's online identity to send or post vicious or embarrassing material to/about others.
Outing and Trickery - Sharing someone's secrets or embarrassing information, or tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information and forwarding it to others.
Cyber Stalking - Repeatedly sending messages that include threats of harm or are highly intimidating, or engaging in other online activities that make a person afraid for his or her safety (depending on the content of the message, it may be illegal).
The Following Sites Provide Further Information To Both Students and Parents:
Toll-Free: 1-877-352-4497
**Live chat on web** on this site (anonymous helpline)
Just a note to remember that conflict is a ‘situation’ that students sometimes find themselves in perhaps at recess and lunch at school. It happens once, whereas bullying is repeated:
What is Bullying?
Bullying is a form of aggression where there is a power imbalance; the person doing the bullying has power over the person being victimized.
Different Types of Bullying
Physical bullying: using physical force or aggression against another person (e.g., hitting)
Verbal bullying: using words to verbally attack someone (e.g., name-calling) Social/relational bullying: trying to hurt someone through excluding them, spreading rumours or ignoring them (e.g., gossiping)
Cyberbullying: using electronic media to threaten, embarrass, intimidate, or exclude someone, or to damage their reputation (e.g., sending threatening text messages).
Discrimination is treating someone differently or poorly based on certain characteristics or differences. Bullying turns into harassment when the behaviour goes against Canada’s Human Rights Laws and focuses on treating people differently because of: Age, Race (skin colour, facial features), Ethnicity (culture, where they live, how they live, how they dress), Religion (religious beliefs), Sex, Sexual orientation (if they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or heterosexual), Family status (if they are from a single parent family, adopted family, step family, foster family, non-biological gay or lesbian parent family), Marital status (if they are single, legally married, common-law spouse, widowed, or divorced), physical and mental disability (if they have a mental illness, learning disability, use a wheelchair).
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2012-2013 School Year
We've just started our healthy eating and lifestyle unit by playing a giant game of "snakes & ladders' (with questions etc. related to healthy living) with the aid of our school nurse, and are about to embark on dissecting our own eating habits (help!) by comparing them to the Canadian Food Guide. We will also be printing out our own daily calorie/vitamins etc. plan and setting a few daily and weekly goals for us as a class (so buy some veggies and get your 'runners/trainers' on! Ah!).
Term 2
This term, we have continued on from the social skills topics learnt in term one and have been studying a related topic 'bullying.' We've had lots of interesting discussions on the topic and have covered: physical bullying, verbal and indirect bullying, reporting vs 'tattling,' support systems, character traits, courage, cooperation, and playground incidents. Many of our discussions were supported by written materials and exercises, as well as by numerous role playing activities/scenarios. Our focus towards the end of the term will be placed on internet/cyber bullying.
In addition to this, we're are doing random acts of kindness coupons (within our class) to promote friendships and positive behaviours:
Term One
Grade 5 students thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program this term. They completed this school-based drug prevention program, taught by RCMP - police officers, over the course of ten weeks and learnt a number of steps and social skills needed to live drug and violence free lives in the future.
While the grade 5 students were participating in the D.A.R.E. Program, the grade 6 students along with the grade 4 students from Mr. Shuto's class studied a number of social skills subjects with me (Ms. Waugh!). The topics included: first impressions, friendships, falling out, secrets, lies, anger, self-esteem, media and body image. Lessons included question and answer sessions, KWL's, role playing and creating social skills posters (see below).
Week One - Goal Setting
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