Fine Arts

2016-17 - Term 2
(Starting next week!)

Term 1
Norval Morrisseau (First Nations Canadian1931-2007) Inspired Art
Morrisseau's art was inspired by people, animals, plants, and cycles (life, sun, moon etc.).  He incorporated large eyes into some of his pieces to represent a Shaman or medicine man/woman.


Grad Assembly Decorations!

iPad Photography

Autumn Tree Art - Work in Progress (Still!)

Draft Work - Tree Pencil Drawing


Set Designs For the School Musical/Play

Multi-Medium Art Project

Chalk and Charcoal Cityscape Art

Remembrance Day Paintings

The students just finished creating summer vacation cartoons and have started painting posters to decorate our school gymnasium for our Remembrance Day Assembly.  More photographs to follow... (see above now!)

Summer Vacation Cartoons

Remembrance Day Paintings - Stage 1


2013-2014 School Year

Year Book Art (in progress...)

'Quick' silhouette art project! (Many are still 'in progress!)

Santa You've Got Mail
(A few pictures from Mrs. Wise - thank you!)

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Other than the vase art below, Division 2 students spent numerous hours (Oct. to Dec.) rehearsing for our Christmas musical, Santa You've Got Mail (with many additional scenes and characters added!).  Clips of the students acting will follow in the New Year, but in the meantime, below are pictures of the stage sets for the musical that the students and I spent many hours after school creating/building.  We had to build the sets on top of and around numerous pipes and metal, and onto concrete and rolling chalkboards.  We used rolls and rolls of duct tape and a few trees!  {We'll cycle everything! :)}

Proportion and Perspective - Clay Vases

Pastel and Paper Mosaics

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2012-2013 School Year

End of Year Fun With Clay!


Term Three
The students are continuing to improve their skills in band and spent a lot of time designing posters for our Spring Fair at the beginning of May (thank you!).  We have been incorporating some artwork into our poetry unit, but will be dipping into various artists studies over the course of the next few weeks.  In the meantime, the students have already been split into groups and are 'acting' their way through a number of funny mini plays - all part of fine arts!

Term Two
We finished off term two with a very quick artist study and project on the late Keith Haring.  I showed information on Keith Haring and his work to the students (power point presentation), which inspired not only some great and meaningful conversations on artistic expression and sexuality, but on the disease AIDS and acceptance during different decades (past to present times).  The students then spent about 3 hours creating some Keith Haring style inspired pictures.  A fun quick project!

French Winter Art

Christmas Decorations!
How far does paper stretch?
Answer - quite far!

Division 3's First Band Performance 

Remembrance Day
(Singing "Imagine" by John Lennon & "Thank you for the Music" by Abba)

Presenters From Division 3 (well done!)

November 'Post' & Completed Work Below Post:

Remembrance Day Art
At the moment, the students are in the process of creating "Flanders Fields" art posters for our Remembrance Day Assembly.  They've finished doing an acrylic layer wash on the sky and painting various shades of green on the fields.  A few days ago we drew on the crosses and went over the painted sky with oil pastels, and are now starting to shade in the crosses - again using oil pastels.  The fun thing about these posters is that they're not just individual ones, the students are 'team' painting and each poster will connect to the next.  You'll be able to see this properly when they're finished.  Stay tuned! :) 

Adding the poppies (layering red, orange and highlights of white oil pastels as well as black outlines) and finishing off the crosses.

Finished Posters!

All Lined Up & Connected!

Quick/fun reading comprehension/timed Halloween art activity - for prizes :) 
(Did the students follow all my directions?  Hmm!)